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Friday, July 1, 2016

Bagalamukhi Temple

Bagalamukhi Temple

Baglamukhi (Pitambara Devi/Brahmastra Roopini), The Historic Temple
Baglamukhi Temple is one of the most famous and ancient temple of Lalitpur .
The word “Bagalamukhi” consists of two words “Bagala” and “Mukhi”.”Bagala” means “bridle” and “Mukhi” means “face (like) “. Thus, Bagalamukhi means one whose face has the power to capture or control. She thus represents the hypnotic power of the Goddess. Another interpretation translates her name as “crane faced”. Bagalamukhi has a golden complexion and her dress is yellow. She sits in a golden throne in the midst of an ocean of nectar full of yellow lotuses. A crescent moon decorates her head.

Location: It is situated in Lalitpur district of Kathmandu Valley. It is few metres North to Patan Krishna Mandir.It is the most sacred and worshipped temple by the locals of Lalitpur.

One of the famous temples of Devi in Kathmandu, the temple of Baglamukhi is situated in Patan (Lalitpur). There are various other small temples inside the Baglamukhi temple premises and this temple is specially crowded on Thursdays as it is considered as the day of Bhagwati.
According to the legend, a demon named Bagala had tortured and threatened the lives of the people. The people worshipped and prayed to the goddess Baglamukhi who, pleased by their prayers, came to their rescue and killed the demon. Hence, the people built the temple as a tribute to the goddess and used to call it Bagala. Later, the name of the temple was changed to Baglamukhi. The temple is ruled by the planet Jupiter and Thursday is considered as the special day for worshiping at the temple.
It is also said that worshiping here silences the gossip of the people (enemy). She is also considered as Bhairavi, a type of Matrika Devi, the mother of all speech as she puts an end to the evil gossips that comes out of every speech.
The devotees often burn three Agarbatti (incense sticks) or ghee Pala Batti (butter lamps) that they can buy outside and around the temple’s main entrance gate. Yellow color or purple color clothes and flowers are offered to please the goddess as those two are considered to be her favorite color. Some people also wear these color clothes while they perform puja in the temple.
Although the main temple of the goddess is small, the temple premises is very wide and open and it houses various small temples of other gods and goddesses like Lord Shiva, Lord Ganesh, goddess Manakamana, etc. A big temple of Lord Shiva is situated in front of the Baglamukhi temple. Also, there is one pond each, inside and outside of the temple both of which has stone taps.
It is one of the most popular Hindu temples in Patan where maximum devotees visit every Thursday for the success of their personal as well as professional lives.

There are various other small temples inside the Baglamukhi temple premises.
It is mostly crowded on Thursdays as it is considered as the day of Bhagawati.
Outside the temple premises we can easily get materials like Agarbattis (incense sticks ), special diyos (made of ghee of Chiuri plant) and flowers which are used to perform Pooja inside the temple.
Unlike in other temple , 3 Agarbattis should be lit here at once.
It is believed that Goddess turns speech into silence, knowledge into ignorance, power into impotence, and defeat into victory. She represents the knowledge whereby each thing must in time become its opposite.
Bagalamukhi is the secret presence of the opposite wherein each thing is dissolved back into the Unborn and the Uncreated. 

The way to Bagalamukhi:

We can go to Bagalamukhi as:

From the TIA( Tribhuvan International Airport), we can hire a Taxi to Lagankhel.
 From Lagankhel Buspark take a subway to North along with small shops on foot, in a couple of minutes we will reach to Patan Durbar Square.From Patan Durbar Square take straight north for about 5 mins, we will be exactly on Bagalamukhi Premises.
If You want to take Public Bus, take SAJA vehicle to Lagankhel get dropped at Lagankhel. ( Your charge will be Rs. 20).From Lagankhel follow the same process as said earlier.
If you are interested on walking, you can reach on foot too. From New Baneshwor Chowk , Walk to Sankhamul side (i.e, South from New Baneshwor Chowk), take straight distance, in about 15 mins, you will reach to a Narrow Bagmati Bridge.(Where only two wheelers vehicles can pass due to its narrowness) Go along the bridge, walk straight without taking turn to any other subways. In about 15 mins you will be exactly on the Bagalamukhi Temple Premises.

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