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Saturday, July 2, 2016

Swayambhunath Temple

Swayambhunath Temple

Swayambhunath Stupa is one of the most oldest Shrine in Nepal. The monument is believed to be self created and the history of the monument backs to the 5th Century. It is also known as the Monkey temple as there are holy monkeys living in parts of the temple in the north-west. Swayambhunath complex is comprised of several other temples and shrine some dating back to the Licchavi period and museum, library and Tibetan monastery are recently added.
 Swayambhunath is among the oldest religious sites in Nepal. There are several legends which describe Swayambhunath was born out of a lotus flower that bloomed in the middle of the Kathmandu which was a big lake at that time. Then the warrior named Manjushree came from China and he drained the water from the Kathmandu Valley and worshipped this grandeur monument. The largest image of Gautam Buddha in Nepal was recently built on the western boundary of Swayambhunath.
Swayambhunath is, perhaps, the best place to observe the religious harmony in Nepal. The stupa is among the most ancient shrines in this part of the world and is a major landmark of the valley and looks like a beacon below the Nagarjun hill.
Going to Swayambhunath:
If you like walking or hiking, the best way to reach Swayambhunath is to walk from Thamel area. It is a nice 40-45 minute walk and it is worth all the time. The beautiful view you will get from the temple is amazing and priceless. But you need to beware of monkeys. Please be sure not to take open food or eat before monkey because they can be nasty at times. The monks always welcome the visitors during the meditation! Be ready to climb the steps to this temple but its definitely worth the visit!

Monkey swimming at Swayambhunath Video

Monkey Swimming

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